Bob Dylan's literature Nobel

A song writer and a singer par excellence, Bob Dylan was a trend setter of his time. His songs are timeless and verge toward philosophy and politics. Though not ready to be labelled under a particular school of thought or "ism", his songs are thought provoking and a stern reflection on events of the period

Nobel to Bob Dylan reflects the evolution of literature with time.

  1. It is now clear that novels, poems, short stories and plays were not the sole expressions of literary prestige and value, but part of a wider constellation which included nonfiction reportage, narrative history and biography, academic treatises and even song writing.
  2. Literature coming down from its elitist character to being an expression of everyday man.

The criticism by one group of academicians is that Bob Dylan does not deserve a prize of that stature as his works lack the scholarly rigour that is there in other Nobel laureates. The attempt by the academy to make the award sensational will lower its prestige.

Conclusion: Judging Bob Dylan work is subject to one's taste but such a gesture by Swedish academy highlights respect for popular culture and shifting stance from exclusive to egalitarian which should be welcome.

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